Hello all,

My name is Taylor Blevins and I am a senior at UA majoring in Elementary Education. Through the COST program I was able to attain an internship placement in Berlin, Germany. While here I will complete a placement in 6th grade as well as 2nd grade. The reason I wanted to participate in this experience is because after graduation I hope to attain a job working overseas. By doing this internship it will help me grow and  learn more about where I could see myself in the future, also it will help my resume when applying for overseas opportunities. As I prepared for this journey I was surprisingly not nervous or anxious at all. I was extremely excited to begin and it seemed like years that I had to wait to leave.

As I prepared for my trip I began to limit what I would bring with me. I knew I had one 50 pound suitcase that I could bring and in that suitcase I had to bring teaching clothes, winter clothes, toiletries, heavy jackets, and multiple pairs of shoes. Somehow by some miracle I fit it all in one suitcase. With me I brought 15 “teaching” shirts, 6 pairs of blue jeans, 2 pairs of slacks, 15 t-shirts, 5 jackets, 3 pairs of shoes, and 5 pairs of shorts. Along with everything else to pack I made it with .5 pounds to spare, whew. At the JFK International school, where I intern, the teachers can dress casually such as blue jeans and a polo so I was lucky that I could use clothes for both teaching and causal purposes.

While I am in Berlin I hope to see as much as possible while also learning as much as possible both personally and professionally. Since I am hoping to work outside the states after graduation this is a great time to network and make as many connections as possible that will help me attain my goals after graduation. I know there will be ups and downs but I also know this will be the most amazing and eye opening 100 days of my life up to this point. I am excited and optimistic about my journey which begins now!

Talk to you soon with much more details and amazing experiences,


"My slight miracle"

“My slight miracle”