Oxford Travel Journal Pt.1

Traveling, even for the most grounded person, is something I think all of us dream of doing. In secret, openly, everyone wants to see parts of the world they have never seen before. No matter if it’s a neighboring county or the opposite hemisphere. For me, I...

Why Chile

I’m wandering through the student union in midwinter, attempting to kill time before class. Fortunately for my wanderlust and unfortunately for my finances, today is the study abroad fair. Each booth whispers to me, reaching with phantom hands to pull me closer....

Stuck Between Languages

  When I got to the airport in Madrid, I knew that the adjustment back into English was going to be a difficult one.  The airport employees knew that our group was all Americans and as such, we would usually receive a barrage of English and Spanish words mixed...

East Asia Here I Come!

I can’t believe I’m going to be traveling to East Asia in a few days! Many factors played into my decision to study abroad. One of the factors that played into my decision is my desire to provide medical care to people that are not able to afford it. Serving others...

Burger King Sells Beer?

And Subway does too. This may come as a surprise for some of you (as it did for me too) when you travel to another country. Their rules and norms are sometimes completely different from the united states, which can be cool or sometimes even crappy. While living in...