Right now I am on a train headed through the Alps from Zurich, Switzerland to Vienna, Austria. My interim study abroad has been amazing so far. There are 11 students, both undergraduates and grad students, and we are exploring the interaction between psychology and art. In Switzerland, we experienced two different art museums and learned a lot about Jungian psychology. We visited the Jung Institute where we attended a guest lecture, Jung’s gravesite, and his home. In addition, we had a great time on excursions to Basel and Luzern, where we went to the Alps. One of the most amazing things about this trip so far is how much Zurich is not a tourist destination. We met many locals and even though we did some “touristy” things, I really feel that we got an authentic taste of Swiss culture during our brief time in their beautiful country.

Our classes have been really interesting so far.  This is a UA faculty led program, so we’re learning in a “moving classroom” that is different every day.  We’ve had talks about psychology and counseling in our hotel lobby, the breakfast area.  On the train this morning, we’ve been having individual lessons on Photoshop and Adobe apps with our art professor.  We talk about both subject areas over meals and on the tram with one another because we all find the topics so genuinely interesting, which I think is a really special part of this trip.

In a few hours, we will be in Vienna. From what I’ve heard, it’s a city with a very different vibe, larger and much faster paced. While I loved the relaxed, small city experience in Zurich, I cannot wait to experience a new culture in Austria!

At the top of the Alps!

At the top of the Alps!