A Breath of Fresh Air

As my Latin American adventure comes to an end, I can’t help but look back on who I was when I stepped off that plane and who I am now. Before I came to Costa Rica, I was caught up in the daily grind of university life – hardly taking time to eat or sleep, let alone...

Time in Europe so Far

So far my time in Ireland has been an incredible experience. Not only have I met many new people and made many friends but I have been able to see places that I never thought I would be able to. Over the past few months I have been taking advantage of my time in...

Preparing for Takeoff

To say this past week was hectic would be an understatement. Preparing for my trip was the least of my worries amid finals and other end of the year responsibilities. The quick turn around from spring semester to May interim leaves barely any time to catch your...

Serbian Fellowship Experience

Monday, May 8th, 2017, It is Day 1 of the Serbia Fellowhsip Experience. And so far, it has been unlike anything I have ever experienced before. I have traveled internationally on a number of occassions, and I have even studied abroad for a summer term. But the Serbia...

Springtime in Paris

Today was the first day that I was truly able to experience spring in Paris. I found myself standing amidst blossoming cherry trees and various kinds of blooming flowers on my walk from the Champs-Élysées to the bridge of Alexander the 3rd. I was not here alone, as I...
Almost Time!

Almost Time!

Studying abroad has always been something I aspired to do. I always told myself that no matter what I had to study abroad in college or else I would always regret it. However, it seemed like every opportunity that arose before this one just would not have worked out...

Dinner with Friends

Here in London I have made friends from all over the world, my closest friends are from Germany, Italy and Mexico. All three of these cultures are very different but also have some similarities, one being the love for good food. Many days after we have class we will...

Flying Alone

  If you’ve never been on extended trip away from your family (vacation or otherwise), know that there are a number of factors to consider prior to your arrival in the country in which you have chosen to study. In my case, I chose to study the legacy of...
Life Across the Pond

Life Across the Pond

Once I stepped off the plane at London Gatwick, I felt as if I was in the middle of dream. Everything was different. The people talked funny and the signs I had to follow were different than the ones in America. Flash forward almost an entire month and I still feel as...