Save the Fishes!

What you’re seeing in the photograph to the left is a stoplight parrotfish against the background of the Belize Barrier Reef. Amazingly enough, this beautiful fish is incredibly common on the reef. While studying abroad, I saw half a dozen different species of...

Reflections in Spain

6/14/17: This trip to Spain has truly been one for the books. As the trip comes to a close, I reflect on how this trip has changed me. For starters, my Spanish speaking skills have improved tremendously. Our facilitators implicated a “Spanish only policy” on us at the...

Homesick in Paris

This experience has really been a dream come true for me. Although it has had many downfalls, I have experienced many high points that has made this study abroad experience worthwhile. Our first week was spent in the beautiful city of Paris. Although they try to...

Le Tour de Food de France

When you arrive in a new country to study abroad, odds are you will have probably already given a lot of thought to the differences in culture. But I had underestimated just HOW different (and all-consuming) the French food culture is. From my first day in France, I...

Pre- Italy Trip

I am so excited for this trip. I am studying abroad in Florence Italy, and I can’t wait to leave. 13 days left and I am getting all the final paperwork pulled together and starting to pack! This experience will be amazing I just know it. I get to meet family I...

Time Flies

I can only think of one word to describe my time in Spain so far: wow. I’ve been to so many cities, visited so many cathedrals, done so many things, and learned so much about the language and culture; and it’s only been three weeks! So here’s a quick summary of my...

Hasta Luego, USA!

Before I dive in I think I should explain the game plan- because it is a complicated one. I decided to use my study abroad opportunity in Spain as an excuse to tag on a bit of additional backpacking and sightseeing. My official program will take place in a town...

week 4

It is now week four of my study abroad trip and I have been to New York, London, Paris and finally, Milan. The trip started out awkward and a little weird since we had all just meet each other and we were still in the USA. I wish we would’ve gone straight to...

Familia Nica

The experience that I have had while being in Nicaragua has been the experience of a life time. Working in the clinic, we were able to shadow the doctors, take blood pressure and other measurements, count pills for the pharmacy, measure glucose levels and administer...

Day in Smederevo

Thursday, May 11th, 2017, Today marks Day 4 of the Serbia Fellowship Experience. Early this morning, after breakfast and coffee, we prepared to head to the nearby city of Smederevo for the day. I imagined it as a small, historic town outside of Belgrade, but Smederevo...