Weird things they do in Costa Rica: another list

I believe that the title says it all: Give right of way to cars and not to pedestrians Put 10 keys on a key ring when you use 2 of them Participate in “loaf of bread” day. One day every week where the entire town stops what they are doing to go buy a loaf...

Returning Home From Oxford

While on the plane back from London, I felt tired. Part of me looked forward to getting back to my regular routine in the states (seeing my dog again). But mostly, I was not ready to leave, as was the opinion of the majority of people on this trip. Classes were tough,...

Honors Abroad

  Choosing to study abroad was easily one of the best decisions I have made in my life thus far, but I’m pretty sure you will hear that from anyone who studies abroad or visits Europe in general. So what I’d like to talk about is studying abroad with the Honors...

A Few of Oxford’s Secrets

Here I sit, five hours into my nearly ten-hour flight to Atlanta and I’m flipping through my journal entries from the past month. I am a avid visual-journalist so my pages are filled with my small all-caps handwriting, printed pictures, polaroids and ticket stubs from...

Home Sweet Home

By the last week I was so ready to get home and see my friends, family, dog, and to chow down on some Chick-fil-a. It wasn’t until the last day of classes when our teachers started to say their goodbyes that I actually realized that I was sad about leaving. It was...

Readjusting Again

Currently, I am sitting at home and watching TV with my family for the first time in five weeks. It is a very bittersweet feeling; I am happy to be with my family again, but sad to be home already. For five weeks my life was completely different than normal, and...

Enjoying Berlin

One of my first thoughts upon arriving in Berlin was that it isn’t much different than any other large American city. Tall buildings, lots of people everywhere, a confusing public transportation system. On the surface, it seemed like I hadn’t even left....

St. Sava Temple

One building dominates the skyline of Old Belgrade – the St. Sava Temple. Its huge light-blue domes capped with golden Orthodox crosses seemingly pop out of nowhere when looking at the sky. It dwarfs any other building in the city, and is the largest place of worship...


Previously, I wrote a post about how homesick I was; now, I am homesick for the country that was temporarily my home. It has been exactly 38 days since I have returned to Alabama, but the experience of studying abroad in France still weighs heavily on my mind. I long...