“A ship is always safe at shore, but that’s not what it’s built for.”

-Albert Einstein

I have officially committed to my Spring 2019 field placement in Ghana, West Africa. You would not even begin to believe the emotions I am trying to contain. I go from overly excited and ready to fearful and sad to be leaving my friends and family. Luckily, I have a great desire to serve and a support system that has helped me to overcome my fears and my doubts. I was destined to serve children in Africa, I just know it. Everything regarding the initial process of applying for international field seemed to have lined up perfectly for me, like ducks in a row. I have always been a helper growing up because it gives my life it’s greatest satisfactions. I have previously traveled out of the country for leisure but have never been to Africa, one of my most desired destinations. Who would have thought, little ol’ me would be headed to Ghana in exactly 51 days from today to serve one of the most vulnerable populations? There is so much to do in such a short time. My to-do list seems to be never ending but all so worth it. I will be leaving the United States with a clear mind, open for new experiences, new adventures, new friendships, new everything. I will leave here a blank canvas and hope to return a masterpiece in the social work field as I transition into life after graduate school. Oh what a time to be alive!

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