Sunday June 16th, we had an excursion to Cinque Terre with our study abroad program, ISA. I have been so eager for this excursion ever since I first found out about it. We boarded a charter bus early in the morning and made our way towards the coast. The closer we got towards the coast, the bigger the mountains got. The views were endless and it only got better throughout the day. We first arrived in Manarola, where we walked around before boarding the train to Montorosso. It is near impossible to travel by car in Cinque Terre, so everyone travels by train. Once we got to Montorosso we got to take in the beautiful views of the coast. The buildings that were embedded into the hill side were vibrant and colorful. This is what Cinque Terre is mainly known for. As we kept walking, we noticed that tons of people were sprawled out on the beach taking in the warm sun. Unlike beaches in America, practically in the south, these beaches were made up of small rocks and pebbles. Walking in the sand felt quite different than what I am used to, but it was something different that I am glad I got to experience. We decided to hike up the mountain to see a better view of this beautiful town. Several steps later, we made it to the top. To our surprise, there was a beautiful cemetery that had graves dated all the way back to the 1200’s. This little get a away from the city was much needed and a trip that I truly will never forget.