Initial Thoughts

I have been in Italy for approximately four days and I can already state that I am in love with this new culture and environment. At first, I was hesitant to all the new and unfamiliar things that I would encounter coming to a foreign country. As the days progressed I...

Kia Ora!

Kia ora is the standard greeting in New Zealand, a bit of the language of the indigenous people (Māori) that means “be well.” It is what the flight attendant at the Air New Zealand desk said to me when I checked in for my flight. This was the first time...


On this trip I will have switched back and forth time zones six times by the time I get back home. My sleep schedule is going to be pretty whack for the next couple days. I tried to stay up pretty late last night in a desperate attempt to get myself back on track. I...

¡Junior Tu Papá!

The professional soccer team from Barranquilla is called Junior. The iconic red and white stripes of their jersey can be seen all around the city on any given day, along with people calling out their famous phrase “¡Junior tu papá!” Earlier in this trip,...

Just Say Yes

The one piece of knowledge I’ve learned on this trip that I could tell anyone would be just say yes. While we are all college kids making our way in the world and limited funds, some of my favorite memories have been because I said yes regardless. I’m fortunate enough...

Back to Reality

            Upon returning home I was really excited to be back. I was really ready to get some American food and get home to my family. As soon as the plane touched down in Atlanta, all I could think about was...

Coming Home

I arrived back in Tuscaloosa after what seems like far too short of a time in the most magical city in the world. I was excited to come home and see my family and friends but I couldn’t help but feel I left a piece of my heart in Prague. I never realized how...