Coming Home

It feels weird packing up.  For the past four months, all of the people and friends I have met, the places I have seen, and the adventures I have been living will now all be a part of the past.  It is hard knowing that Italy is far away from me.  Don’t get me...

Evento Nazionale

The semester is winding down and I can hardly believe it! It seems like yesterday that I was packing up to travel here, four months ago.  I have met so many people within these four months, it is hard to wrap my head around it.  So, in order to make the most of what...

La Vacanze di Pasqua

Spring vacation was an amazing experience.  While most of my friends opted to travel outside Italy, I decided to stay and explore outside Milan.  A friend and I chose to travel to Sicily for five days, going to Palermo, Messina, and Catania.  We spent several days in...

Italian Adventure: Departure

So, today is the day that I depart to Italy.  There are so many emotions and thoughts racing through my head, I can barely describe how I feel.  I guess excited is the biggest one.  I am nervous, anxious, and scared, but I am also happy, curious, and excited that I am...