“Sorry. I mean Lo siento.,,, Oh wait I mean sorry.” That was the moment I realized that I was no longer in Nicaragua and back in the US. We had just arrived at the Houston airport and I was headed into the bathroom as I ran into lady. I had gotten so used to my apologetic response while in Nicaragua that it became automatic. The next sign that reminded me I was back was flushing toilet paper and having running water. Then the air conditioning. Believe me, its freezing in the AC after not having any for 2 weeks.

When I got picked up from the airport, I couldn’t really believe it was over . I think I was still in shock. It was so weird to see my sister and my friends again. All I wanted to do was talk about my trip. Everything that happened I could relate back to Nicaragua. The type of cars, the gas prices, the fruit, the landscape, the buildings, the, the health of the animals and pretty much anything made me think I was suddenly Nicaraguan. I knew my friend was getting annoyed with me but the experience was just so great I couldn’t stop talking about it.

I wanted mangos and I wanted to sleep with a fan blowing on my face in 100 degree heat. I wanted to wake up in a room with my roommates and put on scrubs and be utterly confused by so many things everyday. I wanted to keep learning and stay in touch with everyone I met. I wanted to keep speaking Spanish. And I was jealous that there was another group experiencing everything I had. I wanted to do it all over again.


The second week of my trip was great. We were able to go on a bike tour, that led in my professor needing to be carried away by a taxi, and go to a farm, and see real lava!!! (it sounds like the ocean). And then we were able to swim in a lagoon while relaxing and goofing around with the friends I had spent the past 2 weeks with. The second week flew by faster than the first. Saying goodbye to everything in Granada was hard. For some reason I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that I was leaving.

To be honest, I did leave Nicaragua and remembered how much I love AC, but apart of me will always have a little nica in it. That trip allowed me to finalize my decision to go into the medical field. It gave me more confidence to use my Spanish. It opened my eyes to a world outside of the US and all the luxuries that come with everyday life here. Sadly I still miss not having some of the luxuries. It gave me a chance to find a new perspective and appreciation of life. I still talk about my trip like it was yesterday, and I know that one day I will return to Granada and see all the friends I made while I was there.13230063_10209598531148506_4870784783410917455_n