Stepping off the airplane in Atlanta was one of the most bittersweet feelings I have ever experienced. On one hand, my mouth was watering at the thought of purchasing hot Cheetos after a month and a half without them. On the other, I knew I was truly going to miss Spain. I had fallen in love with the country and the culture; I knew coming back just would not be the same. I don’t speak Spanish, I don’t eat nearly as much ham, and I certainly don’t get my daily siesta.
Many people say that a study abroad trip can change your entire life. I can’t say I disagree. After this trip, I think I have learned the true value of living in the moment. More times than not, the days without an itinerary were even more fun than the planned days. My view on the world has also changed. The world seems so much smaller now. I even ran into a friend from Ohio in Seville one day! The world seems so much more tangible after traveling with this group, and I can’t wait to use this new found tangibility to travel more.
The weirdest thing for me returning from Spain has been readjusting to my normal schedule (as I mentioned before, I really valued my daily siesta.) It has been hard to readjust to “normal” eating times as well. I got accustomed to eating lunch at 2pm and dinner at 9pm at the earliest. Now my schedule usually has me eating lunch around noon or 1pm and dinner around 6. It is definitely an adjustment, but it only gets better with time!
Some advice to students considering studying abroad: STUDY ABROAD IF THERE IS ANY WAY POSSIBLE! This has been one of the best experiences of my life and I would not trade it for the world.
SO, until next time Spain! I hope to see you soon!