Trying to comprehend how 4 months swiftly passed me by is mind boggling, yet beautiful. My time in Mexico cannot be explained in the way that I want because it opened the door for me to reach new heights and achieve things I never thought I would achieve. I am actually excited to be home, simply because of what was produced during my time in Mexico. I understand that it is now time to hit the ground running with what I achieved. Mexico has and always will have a special place in my heart because it gave me a second chance that I never expected to get. My views on this side of life are incredibly different and it was not Mexico that started that evolution, it was Mexico that confirmed it. My friends have noticed a difference in my work ethic and what I believe I can and will achieve. My family has noticed that I don’t have time to engage in conversations that do not produce life. There is a need for me to not live beneath the person I am called to be on this side of life.
There is no culture shock for me because I have been blessed to go out of the country every year for the past 4 years and each time shows me something different about the world in which we live in, as well as the person I am becoming. I know that going has shocked my beliefs in a profound way and for that, with every waking opportunity, I will be going.
If you are reading this and you are wondering if going abroad is something you should do, simply put, GO! I understand that many of us have been taught that going abroad is dangerous and scary (along with a bundle of horror stories) but the world we live in today has made it questionable to even walk outside of your own home. If you are feeling the pressing of taking that step and being bold, do it. Don’t let fear be what makes you miss out on experiencing a side of yourself that is waiting to be tapped in to.