Hi guys! My name is Cat and I will be interning abroad in Barcelona, Spain this summer and I could not be more excited! In Fall 2018 I was lucky enough to be able to study abroad in Barcelona and I am so looking forward to going back. I chose Barcelona initially because of the liveliness that comes with being, living, and working in a big city. I grew up in a small city in Alabama and had never gotten to experience big city living until my study abroad experience in 2018. When I was given the opportunity to also intern abroad in Barcelona, I just couldn’t turn it down. I am preparing for my intern abroad experience mostly by brushing up on my Spanish. While packing, I have brought some casual clothes along with some professional clothes in order to cover all my bases. I am only bringing 3 pairs of shoes: sandals, sneakers, and professional-looking flats. I don’t predict having to use or need more than that. I am so excited about being in Barcelona that I honestly have not given much thought to what I am leaving behind. I’m sure I will miss my family and friends while I am there, but for now, all I am feeling is excitement. I hope to learn a lot about the business culture in Spain and to be able to bring back my experience to the US while working here. I know there is a lot in store for me in Barcelona and I am so looking forward to it! I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on my travels!