Throughout the extent of my UA Macroeconomics in Europe course, I was able to visit some of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Between Prague, Budapest, and Venice, I’ve taken so many beautiful pictures and made lots of lasting memories. However, the memories that I will cherish most from this trip will likely not come from any these locations.
I would guess that very few of you reading this post could tell me where the city of Pula is located. Pula is a city on the northern coast of Croatia, the country where most of our course occurred. This city is more of a local tourist destination, drawing families on summer holidays from Croatia and neighboring nations. This city is not as renowned as the prior cities I mentioned, as well as some of Croatia’s other coastal cities such as Dubrovnik. This is exactly what made it so special– you weren’t competing with crowds and tour groups to get a glimpse of a wonderful view.
One particular trip to the beach demonstrates why Pula was so special. A few of my classmates and I took an Uber to a resort area, hoping for a chance to get some sun and swimming. According to Google maps, there was a pebble beach (the closest thing you’ll find to an American sand beach in Pula) at this location. AS we started walking through a wooded path to find this beach, we encountered a smaller and less travelled fork, which we could tell led to the water. This path led us to a beautiful inlet, with clear blue water that reflected the sun as it set. To make it even better, there was absolutely no one else at this cove.
When we explored beyond our tour guide’s recommendations, we discovered a sight I will never forget. Climbing into the cove, enjoying the water, and becoming closer with my new friends on this trip made a great memory.