Traveling is something I have loved to do for as long as I can remember. This made my decision to go on the intermediate macroeconomics in Croatia UA faculty lead study abroad trip a relatively easy one. My motivation and reasoning behind this study abroad was the present opportunity to gain valuable experience with economics on the international scale by studying monetary policy and currency. While abroad, I will have the opportunity to visit the Croatian national bank and learn about their currency and how they strive to implement the Euro system. This program will allow me to earn course credit for EC 309 (intermediate macroeconomics) at The University of Alabama while also satisfying my international course requirement. I will also get to explore parts of eastern Europe that I have never ventured to. I am extremely excited for this experience, but also a bit unsure of what to expect. From what I have read, the region of Europe we will be visiting is not like anything I have ever encountered before. The way I am preparing for this trip is by doing as much research as I can. I believe this will allow me to experience much less culture shock upon arrival. I am also trying to get caught up on my sleep as much as I can, because I know I will be exhausted on this trip from jet lag and traveling by buses. I depart for this journey in a few short days and will update soon after I arrive in Croatia.