Wow! As I approach my final week in Copenhagen, I am amazed at how quickly my time here has flown bye. It has now been approximately 3 months since I have been living in Denmark. As cliche as it is to say, I do believe study abroad has changed my perspective and world view. I feel like Copenhagen has become my new home. I feel at easy traveling around the city, figuring out my favorite restaurants, and living somewhat like a local. I have learned a lot of valuable information during my classes as well as meeting students from all different states in the United States. It was so crazy to discover a lot of people I met somehow had mutual connections!

I believe some of my favorite highlights from trip included a 12 mile bike ride in the country side, visiting museums, trying new foods, and meeting so many amazing people. I would highly recommend and encourage others to study abroad. It is truly an amazing experience, and is one I will remember forever. I hope in the future to be able to possibly study abroad in another country to gain even more perspective. I know as well I will find myself back in Denmark soon as I have felt like I have finally found my place. I am looking forward as well to visiting my new friends and connections I have made here back in the United States, and for my friends to visit Alabama as well.

It is sad to think my time here is coming to an end, and I know it will be somewhat of an adjustment going back. The time difference, as well as food, driving a car, and culture will be very different. I am looking forward however to going home and then starting school again so soon!