I have always wanted to travel abroad, specifically during my 4 years of college, but once Covid hit, which effected the end of my freshmen year as well as my entire sophomore year, I wasn’t sure I would have the opportunity to. Losing an entire summer of a chance to study abroad, I was running out of time to fit in both studying abroad and accepting an internship. I still always looked at study abroad opportunities but did not believe I could fit it all in, until I found the May Interim programs. The May interim trips immediately caught my attention because it fell perfectly in the time frame that I needed, but I still wanted to make sure that if I was spending my few short weeks of “summer” abroad, I wanted it to still impact my future. Personally, that meant it needed to be affiliated with my degree, which is accounting, so again, I did not think I would find a program that fit my criteria. Fortunately, I found the UA in Europe, Faculty-Led May Interim trip that was for accounting majors which included a course on International Financial Reporting Standards. I was thrilled to find this trip, not only because it fit my criteria for what I needed in a trip, but it also gave me the opportunity to meet and connect with other accounting majors as well as professors who led the trip. One concern that I had before applying for this trip was the cost, however I was reassured by finding out that there were a number of scholarships that I could apply for to make this trip possible. Despite the numbers of factors that played a role in determining whether or not studying abroad was an option for me, I was able to find a program that perfectly fit what I needed.