Today I fly out from New York and head to the first leg of my study abroad trip in Munich. I am partaking in macroeconomics in Croatia which does not start till next week, however, I will be arriving in Europe early to explore with my mom. My mom and I have planned to see various European cities that we’ve never visited before, including Munich, Prague, Vienna and finally Zagerb. I am looking forward to this portion of my trip just as much as the class itself because my mom is a very good traveling partner. She’s planned for us to do various bike and food tours as well as some day trips during our 9 days there together. We both love traveling and this will be our first times leaving the country since the pandemic so our anticipation is at an all time high. Personally, I was thrilled when I learned that I was accepted into my particular study abroad program for a few reasons: 1. I’ve been itching to get back to Europe and 2. I have always had an interest in receiving an education in a foreign country. My dad spent a semester in Oxford when he was around my age and he raved about it to us as kids. Since then I knew I was presented with the opportunity to study abroad I would definitely have to go. I have spent the past two weeks following finals packing and preparing for the trip. I saved up some spending money so I can enjoy all Europe has to offer. It was a struggle deciding what clothes to pack to last me a month but I think did a good job(let’s hope). The picture I am attaching is from the first city my mom and I visited Prague or as the Czechians call it, Praha.