If the idea of traveling internationally feels intimidating or scary, you are definitely not alone. It can be challenging to organize and execute a travel plan to a location you’ve never been. If you are like me and tend to attempt to plan for every scenario when traveling, you’ll probably agree that this process of over planning helps to fabricate control in what could be a stressful situation. However, the process of planning for every “what if” scenario is also stressful and can take the fun out of preparing for the trip. Additionally, when traveling there will always be the possibility for circumstances to arise that no one could be prepared for. My advice to anyone experiencing travel anxiety in preparation for their trip is to prepare for common scenarios, but not every worst-case scenario. By identifying some common issues that people studying abroad in your location or issues with traveling in general, you can prepare a plan with possible solutions. For example, if you are nervous about getting lost in an airport, you can usually find maps of airport terminals online prior to departure. If you are worried about not having good internet connection, you can identify a family member or friend who can help from a computer at home. For example, on my way back from my trip to Gothenburg, my internet connection was very poor, and I could only send and receive texts. Luckily, my sister was able to help save time in my connections by looking up my gate numbers and sending them to me. Additionally, if you find yourself in a situation that you aren’t prepared for, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Whether it’s of the airline, the hotel, even your professor if it’s a faculty-led program, asking for help is usually the most helpful action, especially when traveling under time-sensitive situations like in an airport. Studying abroad is an experience of a lifetime and an incredible opportunity to learn, but it is also meant to be fun. So have fun in preparation for your travels and try not to get overwhelmed in all the “what if” possibilities.