So, I returned home from Europe about two weeks ago and I waited to write my final blog post so I could I have time to digest the many new experiences I was able to have while studying abroad. I can confidently say that I will be advocating to all my friends to sign up for similar programs; whether a whole semester study abroad or a summer program like me. There is no doubt in my mind that my 2 week program was one of the best experiences of my life. It left me yearning to get back out there, meet new people and learn about new cultures. I would definitely say the best aspect of study abroad is the cool people you meet including the fellow students your studying with and the various locals you inevitably spark up conversations with. Personally, I had one friend in the same program I knew prior to leaving but by the end of the trip I had befriended many other Alabama students that I would likely never have met if it weren’t for the program. I even ended up traveling after the class ended with a few other guys on my trip who I did not know prior. I believe that just speaks to the fact that you will become very close with the other students who you are studying abroad with in a short amount of time. On that note I highly suggest staying longer in the country you are studying in to explore by yourself or with some friends from your trip. It gives you more time to truly immerse yourself in the country’s culture without being stressed about class work. You also need to remind yourself that you don’t know when’s the next time you will be able to be abroad so you should try to stay as long as possible. Just to reiterate my point, savor your time studying abroad because you are lucky to have the opportunity. The picture I attached is from my time after the trip; me and some guys went to Lake Garda(highly recommend) in Italy.