If you would have told me a year ago that today, I would be sitting in the airport waiting to board my first international flight to Heathrow Airport in London, I never would have believed you. Ever since I took British Literature my senior year of high school, I have dreamed of traveling to England. All my favorite shows and movies are based in England – Downton Abbey, The Crown, Notting Hill,Reign, Bridgerton, etc.
So, when I transferred to the University of Alabama in the fall of 2021, I immediately began looking into the study abroad program. I attended several information sessions, but it wasn’t until the study abroad booth event on campus that I found the UA in Oxford education abroad program. There were a lot of things to consider before deciding to travel abroad such as cost, location, courses, etc., but the study abroad/education abroad office was super helpful, and I was even able to apply to and receive a scholarship from Education Abroad to help combat costs.
I have been preparing for this program since I got accepted back in November of 2021, but I do know that I will not really know what to expect until I am actually there and in person.
I will be taking two courses during my time in Oxford. HY 366: Music and Race in the UK post WWII, taught by UA professor, Dr. Sharony Green, and HY 382: Migration, Mobility, and the Making of England, taught by University of Leads professor, Dr. John Gallagher.
There is one item that I brought with me that I am super excited about – my polaroid camera. So far, we have three weekend trips planned for the month that we are studying in Oxford (London, England; Edinburgh, Scotland; and Paris, France) and I cannot wait to take vintage photos of some of the most beautiful locations in Europe.
One reason I love the idea of bringing my own polaroid camera is so that I will have actual photos to bring back to show my friends and family. Speaking of family, I miss them already, but I know they are very proud of me and that I will still be able to speak to them all the time.
There are many things that I am looking forward to on this trip, gaining new experiences, trying new foods, developing new friendships, etc. I know that there will be certain adjustments to be made, but I feel like I am adequately prepared to handle them. With all that said, I am very excited and really looking forward to the next month!
That is all for now friends! I’ll check back once I have crossed the pond 🙂
Savannah Berryman