Upon return to the US, the past 3 weeks flew by in the snap of a finger. I was very sad to have to say goodbye to all the Locals that I became close with. Reflecting back on the experience it was one of the best trips I have ever taken. There was non-stop entertainment and views I could’ve never imagined. It was almost as if stress doesn’t exist down there, I truly felt on island time disconnecting from all forms of social media. Almost the entire trip I never knew what time it was and had to base it on the sun. I will say one thing I’m ready for is some American food. Now in the sense of reconnecting to social media and technology, it was very overwhelming. I was honestly tempted to just throw out my phone and disconnect completely. The experiences you create without being glued to your screen all day are 10x more valuable and fulfilling than I could’ve ever imagined. Overall, this trip will defiantly stick with me for the rest of my life. I’ll have to make a trip back to Belize one day, who knows maybe it will be my Honeymoon spot.
Pictured here is one of the sunsets with the Honduras mountains in the background: