We are on our way to Panama. This is my first time going out of the country and my first time flying for this amount of time. I am really nervous but excited at the same time. I am so glad that I got to grow a relationship with my classmates before we left to go on this trip. We all got to talk about what we are excited about as well. We even talked about packing. I am pretty sure I over packed for this trip. I had a checklist for everything I needed plus some. I had my really close friends drive me to the airport. We all met up at the Atlanta airport. From there we all met up and went through the check bag. The process of getting on the plane was hectic . We had to do eye checks and take our shoes off, computer and ipads out of our bags. Once we got through bag check it was time to board the plane. We were delayed for a little while but when the plane took off it hit me really hard that I was about to be in another country.