8 AM: Wake up and do my homework before class. I work better in the mornings, so I always preferred to wake up early and work instead of at night.
10:00 AM: Get ready and walk to campus. My dorm was only about a 10 minute walk from class, so it was not too bad.
10:30 AM – 12 PM: Class time! In the morning I would attend a small class with about 13 people in it, led by one of our classes TAs. In this class, we would go over the homework assignment from the night before, have discussions about what we learned in the lecture the day before, and ask any questions. This was my favorite part because I got to really talk about topics that interested me on a deeper level.
12 PM – 1 PM: Leave campus and pick up some lunch. There were lots of cheaper lunch options in between campus and my dorm, so I never had a problem finding something good to eat while also not spending a ton of money.
2 PM – 5 PM: Lecture! This was the time of the day where all of the students in my course were in one room together and our professor would teach lecture. There were maybe about 80-ish of us, so we were in a big room. Each day we would cover a different broad topics. Lecture consisted of learning new terms, reading graphs, analyzing real-world experiments, and talking about current problems in our world. My professor also had a cool Australian accent, so it wasn’t hard to pay attention.
5 PM – 7 PM: Explore! I liked to spend a little bit of time each day seeing something new. Living in a city and taking class, it could be easy to just want to go back to my dorm and watch Netflix. However, I told myself that each day I needed to see something new because London had so much to offer. I also liked to spend this time alone, it was nice to be able to move at my own pace and escape everyone else for a little bit each day. Some of the places I saw on my own included Tate Modern, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, The National Gallery, Hyde Park, Borough Market, and many more.
7 PM – 9 PM: Eat some dinner & get ready for the night! This is the time when I would meet up with my friends and we would grab a bite to eat, shower, and get ready for the night.
9 PM – Whenever we call it quits: Go out! We found some different local pubs where we LOVED to spend our nights and some fun nightclubs to experience as well. This was always such a fun time to meet people from all over the world and make some funny memories. Most of the nights would end with us grabbing a bite at ChickenHub, a local fast food restaurant that became our favorite place near our dorm. At the end of our time, they knew our orders when we would walk in the door…LOL.
While this is not how everyday looked, it captures a mix of what I liked to do and what I would get done!