Since freshman year, I have known that I would never be satisfied with my undergraduate experience if I did not get the chance to study abroad or participate in the Disney College Program at some point throughout college. Fortunately for me, the spring semester of my senior year presented the perfect opportunity for me to live out my dreams and embark on a four-month-long adventure sailing around the world participating in a study abroad program called Semester at Sea. This specific study abroad program is positioned on a cruise ship that acts as a fully functional college campus. Aboard the MV World Odyssey, hundreds of college students, such as myself, will take classes pertaining to their majors while the ship sails to and from the destinations on our semester’s itinerary.
In less than 48 hours from the time of this post, I will board a plane heading to Dubai, thus beginning my journey. I cannot even begin to account for the numerous hours I have spent scrolling through the social media accounts of past voyagers, googling port cities, reviewing packing lists, and making various google documents detailing every hour worked, penny saved and spent, scholarship received, and plans made all in anticipation for this voyage. I have run myself ragged attempting to best prepare myself for the unknown, but I have recently accepted that no matter how well I prepare, I will never be ready to experience all that is in store.
Although I often feel anxious worrying over whether I will like my cabin roommate or whether I will find people to travel with while docked in different countries, I could not be more excited. From January 5th to April 20th, I will travel between three continents visiting a total of 11 countries: UAE, India, Kenya, Jordan, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Spain, Morocco, Portugal, and Germany. I have even decided that after April 20th, instead of coming home to graduate, I will continue to travel through Europe with my family until the end of May. I fully anticipate these 5 months of travel to be the best of young life so far, but only time will tell.
Till next time, Kyra : )