First day of the program we had a jammed packed schedule of touring Panama City, Panama. We toured to the old city, Panama Veijo, that was burnt down by the people of Panama to protect the city’s treasures from pirates. We saw old structure ruminates from the catastrophe. Following we went to the Panama Canal and watched a small documentary explaining the history and how the canal was built. I was also able to see a ship go through the canal. On Monday our business visits with Copa Airlines and Pandora started. Both companies gave me a whole new side of the business field and perspective into the business field. That afternoon we got to see the “new city” that was built after the old city burned down. The buildings have Spanish, Caribbean, French and Italian influence. The city was full of life and culture. Probably one of my favorite days we had. Tuesday and Wednesday we mostly saw financial institutions. With my major being finance I learned so much. I learned about new ideas, jobs, and how finance varies in different countries. Evan gave me a new prospective career. On Wednesday we also were accompanied by Ken Tidwell who is an Alabama alum. He gave a great deal of advice and new ideas to consider while finishing my degree. We also had dinner with him and overall was a great opportunity to see the outcome of the university and hear his experiences that led him to his career now. Thursday is when I realized that soon I would unfortunately have to leave.