My time in Italy was truly the best. I can’t imagine how much guilt I’d feel if I didn’t go because everyone on my trip from students to instructors were amazing and I loved meeting all of them. Our last day was split between Capri and Sorrento and they were such gorgeous places to visit. The beach on Capri was breathtaking and while shopping there was expensive, it was still fun to look around and see what they had. Sorrento was where I did a majority of. my shopping because it was cheaper than Capri. While we were in Capri, we did a boat tour of the island. There were some interesting stops and talking points on the tour but the main thing I kept focusing on was the water. The water was so blue it was surprising to me and I’m glad I got to see that (they also had jellyfish in their dock area). We ended the trip with a delicious dinner and then we had a private shuttle back to Naples so we could board our flights Saturday. There aren’t nearly enough words to express how grateful I am to everyone for allowing me to have this opportunity to be on this trip. It was truly a wonderful experience and I hope that others get to experience that as well.