Omg where do I start. So, guys… it’s happening, I am traveling abroad, and I am so excited!! I never thought I was going to get a chance because of what happened at the end of my freshman year when the world stopped, and we were sent home. I’ve always wanted to travel abroad but I thought the opportunity was slim to none while I was I college until now! When my professor, Ms. Davis annoyed that there was going to be in fact a travel abroad trip I was so excited and ecstatic, and I signed up as fast as I could, and I got in!
I immediately started planning and saving videos from TikTok about where to eat and what to wear and overall, I was just so excited that I was going. But there was one thing I forgot about… how was I going to pay for the trip. That was the most stressful thing because my mom hounded on me to get scholarships and apply everywhere, and I didn’t even know where to start. It was like I felt anxiety for a month in a half trying to figure out how was I going to cover my expenses. Eventually I figured it all out and my family and I made the trip happen.
The other thing that was looming over my head was what was I going to wear. I had no idea what style I wanted to go for, but I ended up with a lot of linens, button ups, and trousers. I really wanted to go for a European summer look with some preppy looks as well. I started making a Canva look book to help, and I planned a lot of outfits and bought a lot more outfits as well. When It came to packing, I started to panic because I realized I had too many outfits, too many clothes, and too many shoes. It was a process of elimination, but I figured it out and now I’m packed, ready to go, and super excited!
I hope to just soak this whole experience in and just gain some much knowledge on other countries and customs different from the united states and i can’t wait to make more post. okay see ya when i’m abroad