We left Greece on Monday morning and landed in Paris mid-afternoon. We got a chance to explore the city, but now we are off to London for the day. I spent my freshman summer in London and absolutely love the city.
The day started at 5 am when we had to get up to make the Eurostar to London. We got into London at about 8:30 am in the morning at St. Pancras station. It is connected to the tube, so we all got on the Piccadilly line down to Holborn. I wanted to eat at a restaurant that is at the London School of Economics, so I took 3 of my friends with me, and we walked around there for a little bit. We then made our way towards the London Eye, where our whole study abroad group was going on the London Eye. It was a very cool experience but a bit nerve-wracking being over the city in a bubble. We then walked towards Big Ben. We walked all the up Whitehall, which is the United Kingdom’s government district, and got to see all the cabinet buildings. We got to Trafalgar Square, where the National Gallery is, and we spent about 2 hours walking around and looking at the paintings in it. We then walked up the National Mall to Buckingham Palace where we took pictures and then walked towards Hyde Park. After that we were having dinner in Soho so we got on the tube and walked around Soho before our dinner time was there. We got dinner at Blacklock Soho but it had to be a quick dinner because we had a train to catch at 7 pm. We thankfully made the train and made it back to the Eurostar and got to Paris at 11 pm that night!