After 48hrs of travel we have made it to Lusaka the capitol city of Zambia! Arriving in the city it was similar to cities in America with lots of buildings and people traveling. We picked up some local volunteers who were joining us on the trip and went to lunch at a really cute spot. We also stopped by a mall to exchange some money ! Next, we hit the road for a 7hr drive to Livingstone. We were tired but excited to get to see so much of Africa from our bus. As we left the city many vendors walked through the traffic selling fresh fruit and other foods, some ladies were even balancing their products of their head. Driving through Zambia we could look out for miles and only see more open land or rocks, the scenery was such a beautiful way to spend our bus ride. The next day after arriving in Livingstone we attended a local church service, the pastor and members of the church would be helping us during our stay. The service was super energetic with lots of dancing, singing, and screaming out for the joy of God. After the service we met up with out translators for the week, in Zambia the only written language is English so many people were fluent in English. Although, in the rural areas some older adults do not know english so the translators were there to bridge any language barriers. Did you know there are over 70 languages in Zambia, people speak the language of their family and then many other languages that surround them. I met my translator who was 18 and about to attend college in the fall, she was very kind and we became besties throughout the week(we still text on whats app). Her and other locals were so kinds and supportive of our efforts to provide healthcare to the people who needed it. Lookout for more updates 🙂