Tomorrow I embark on my study abroad in the UK!
It is my first time ever flying out of the country (and my first time flying on an airline that is not spirit airlines… and my first time flying for more than 2 hours), and I am very excited! When I was younger, I never thought that I would be able to study abroad because of my financial situation, but because of this University I am able to go! I think that studying abroad at the point I am in my education (after year 2) is the best time for me; I’ve been at the University long enough to figure out which things intrigue me the most academically. The program I am studying abroad with is perfect for me because it has classes I am interested in that fit my niche!
I’ve spent the past couple of weeks preparing to get ready, and it has given me a lot of time to think about what is necessary for me to bring with me and what I shouldn’t bring, along with what I might bring that is not necessary but will make me happier. Because I have a fair amount of health problems, I had to budget space in my packing for things like mobility aids, medicines, and the like. Of course, I have to bring enough clothes to last me between washes while I am there. I realize that I may have packed too much clothing, but my suitcase still isn’t full so I will have plenty of space to bring souvenirs home. I have been preparing myself (mentally) for the different living conditions over there (particularly the lack of ac) and hope that I will be equipped to handle the sudden changes.
Overall I am very excited for this experience! I am a little bit anxious about the journey but I know that I will be able to make it through. I am a little worried about my luggage making it there with me but we will see. I am particularly concerned with what music I will be listening to during my flights and while I am at the airport, and have managed to download 25 albums for a 14 hour journey (which I am planning to sleep through most of). I am hoping to learn a lot from my experience! I think the best learning is experiential, and I can’t wait to see what it is like to live across the pond.