After finishing up midterms for PSC 331 and 332, we traveled as a group for a quick getaway to Monterrico beach. We left early in the morning and drove three hours to Hotel El Faro, located in the small town of Santa Rosa. The hotel was isolated from any sign of civilization, right on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. I checked off an item on my bucket list, visiting a beach with black sand! The nearby volcanoes cause volcanic ash to collect with the sand, creating a magnificent black color that reflects purple at sunset. At the hotel, we had amazing group meals prepared by the kitchen staff including steak, pancakes, tacos, and dessert at every meal! I spent the first day relaxing in the pool, reading my book, and working on embroidery. I even helped Dr. Hales daughter learn swimming skills in the shallow ends. My high school lifeguarding skills are always useful! We all gathered on the beach at sunset to watch the waves and take photos. After an early night, I woke up early to watch the sunrise and spend the rest of the morning hanging out in the pool. After lunch, we headed back to Antigua and had the day off of classes. I took a nap and did some laundry. It was a successful break from school and reset my routine going into the next half of course work.