Preparing to travel had to be the scariest part of Study Abroad for me. Figuring out how much to pack, should I bring all of these supplies, how many different pairs of shoes do I need? It was a lot. I also have a tendency to overpack, and this trip was no different. I had a huge suitcase that barely reached the weight limit, a big duffel bag that was full of art supplies that I didn’t use the entire trip, and a backpack full of other supplies and necessities. Even the jacket I had on was super bulky and heavy. If I learned anything on my trip to Spain about packing, it would be to find pants and shoes that go with a lot of different things and then just mix and match outfits so that I could pack lighter. Although I did stunt with every outfit that I wore and it was worth it to me, It would have been nice to not to put the lug into luggage. (Also, leave plenty of room to do lots of shopping!! I ended up coming home with a brand new duffel bag full of new clothes and souvenirs!)
A quick rundown of tips from me is to simplify your skincare routine, thus limiting how much toiletries you bring (European airlines usually wont let you carry more than 100mL of fluids even if the individual bottles meet the standard requirements. Pack lots and lots of underwear and socks but pack minimal shorts, pants, and go easy on the tops. Mixing and matching is key. And like I said, leave lots of room for souveniers!!