Before I went abroad to London, I made a promise to myself that I would seek discomfort from here on out. This did not just pertain to taking risks but also to making new friends and creating connections. In the beginning, it was hard and nerve-wracking, but once I started pushing myself it got easier. Even though my semester abroad in London ended way earlier than expected, it was the best semester ever. I am glad that I sought discomfort. Before going to London, I was very self-conscious and soft-spoken. I would not go out of my way to do new things, try new foods, or go on adventures. BUT London changed that for me. The people I met, the things I did, the environment I was in was all very inviting. It made me open up in ways that I hadn’t before.

To my friends back in London and here in the states, Thank you. I am really grateful to have met you guys and embark on this journey that will be a part of me for the rest of my life. From traveling to new countries/cities with you guys (France, Portugal, Spain, Belgium) to eating new and “weird” foods brought joy to my life. I never thought that I would have gotten the opportunity to experience such a life-changing season in my life.

My hope is that everyone gets to experience something that is life-changing at least once in their lifetime. SEEK DISCOMFORT!! It is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Without pushing yourself past your “limit”, you will be stuck with what if’s. I am glad that I pressed submit on my CISabroad application because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have evolved into the person I am today.