Hey there! My name is Sara Jeffrey, and I am a finance major at the Capstone. I have always been interested in business and studying abroad, but I did not know how I would incorporate the two into my major or curriculum.
At Bama Bound, there was a pamphlet included in my folder advertising the UA Faculty-Led Program to Panama: Freshman Business ACCESS Program. I instantly thought this was created for me. The details of the program aligned with all of my academic and career interests, so I knew I needed to apply.
The length of the program was also an added benefit since it would not interfere with my graduation date and indirectly act as supplemental education for my current career aspiration in the investment banking sector. Through the program, I got to meet and interact with many people involved in Culverhouse College. I also formed some close friendships that I otherwise would not have developed. The program as a whole was instrumental in my adjustment to a new environment, the rigor of education, and my responsibilities.
This trip has been anticipated for the longest time, and now that the date of departure is near, it seems a little bit outrageous. I am finally getting to check off my bucket list my dream of studying abroad. I am nervous, and a lot of what-ifs are forming a cluster in my mind, but I remember that if this trip was not meant for me, I would not have been going.
I am excited to see how the trip will play out. I have nothing but high expectations. I know that this experience I will be embarking on will impact my future only for the better.