During our stay in Italy, our professor had planned a day for us to visit the Swiss Alps. We started our day bright and early, getting on a bus around 7:15 and driving for about 3 hours to St. Moritz, Switzerland. We made a little pit stop about ¾ of the way there at a Café to grab some breakfast and stretch our legs. Then we hopped back on the bus and listened as our tour guide started to describe scenery close to our destination.

As we got closer to St. Moritz, we could see the mountainous terrain stretching out on all sides of us, with snowy caps and trees getting sparce the higher the altitude. We finally pulled into our stop, and after a brief recap from our tour guide about the area, we were set loose to find lunch, buy some delicious chocolates, and take photos in front of a gorgeous lake and vast mountain ranges. 

We regathered after a few hours and walked to the train station, where we boarded the St. Bernina Express to take a scenic train ride through the Swiss Alps. My friends and I boarded the train, where we sat at the end of the cabin and got to see the mountains, lakes, towns, and even little goats through our windows. 

For the next hour and a half or so, we took in the scenery and took hundreds of photos, and eventually we stopped in Tirano, Italy, where we caught a bus back to Milan. This was one of my favorite things we did on our study abroad in Croatia and Italy, and I know I’m going to remember this time with my friends and professors for the rest of my life!