I am really excited about studying in Spain.  I looked at studying in Rome or Barcelona and felt like Barcelona being near the cost and the reviews I ready about the city put it over the top.  I have not been out of the country so this was a big decision for me, and I felt like this would put me out of my comfort zone and also help me learn and grow.  I do not know anyone else going on this program which was similar for me when I started at Alabama.  I have felt like I found my place at Alabama, and I know I will find my spot in Barcelona. 

I will say if you want to study abroad start the planning stage early on.  There is a lot to look at and think about as you think about where you want to study.  What part of the word?  What kind of weather?  What semester or do you want to do it over the summer?  I lot of that played into my decision.  (I didn’t want to miss football season and I need to work over the summer).  I really focused on Europe and then narrowed in on a few countries.  The academic advisors at Alabama are really helpful and a good resource as you look to get an understanding of everything that needs to be done.  At this time as I get ready to leave it has not hit me yet that I will be gone for a semester.  I am looking forward to meeting others, learning about the city of Barcelona, eating great food and traveling around Europe on the weekends.  If you are thinking about studying abroad, I say do it.  I have had so many of my parent’s friends say I will look back this as a highlight for years to come.