Some of my biggest anticipations when studying abroad were the travels I would embark on. I was intrigued to learn about the many different cultures throughout Europe and the different things each city had to offer. I want to highlight some of favorite places I was fortunate enough to visit; some of which I went alone and some of which I went with friends.
My aim was to visit as many countries as possible while I was here, which meant I didn’t travel around Italy specifically as much as others, but for the cities I got see in Italy I truly enjoyed them. I started with a overnight trip to Bologna with my program group of about 15 fellow students. Bologna had exquisite food and some very rich history which was quite remarkable to see. Next up was Lake Como, and it did not disappoint. The beautiful mountains surrounding one of the world’s most famous lakes is a view that doesn’t get old and being able to visit with my parent made it all that much more special. La Spezia came up next, for a Sunday trip to the beach with some friends from school. The beach itself was stunning however, I made the sorry mistake of forgetting sunscreen and was punished with the worst sun burn of my life. It was not funny but two of my close friends getting one just as bad made it easier to get through as we all laughed it off for the next week of classes as our faces and bodies were noticeably peeling. The final stop of my Italy trips was Rome. One of my bucket list cities I couldn’t wait to visit, and it did not disappoint. The Vatican was the first stop in Rome I made, and St. Peters Basilica was the most incredible building I’ve ever had the pleasure to visit. The architecture was breathtaking. After this I went to check out the typical tourist sites such as the Trevi Fountain, and Colosseum. Rome was a blast, but I would highly suggest going when it is not peak tourist season as it was when I visited. I’d love to explore the south of Italy next time I’m here, but these cities were a blessing to visit, and I won’t forget them anytime soon.
Now that I’ve covered my Italian excursions I’d like to get into my European ones. Perhaps my favorite trip of all was my trip to London, and then Liverpool to see my lifelong team Liverpool FC take on Manchester City. London was a very cool city that seemed impossible to ever be bored in. I only had about 10 hours to explore, and it was enough rocket London into the top 3 or 4 of my all-time favorite cities list. I wish I had more time to see it. For Liverpool it was the second time I’d been to see them play in my life at the legendary stadium Anfield. Although we only got a draw, which should’ve been a win, the atmosphere was the best sporting atmosphere I’d ever experienced. Next up on my favorites that I visited was Budapest, Hungary. I stand by the opinion that it is the most underrated city in Europe. The architecture stands out the most especially with the famous parliament building. Seeing it lit up at night was special, it left me speechless. Besides that, the city has so much to offer, a unique culinary experience, good shopping, and a fun night life. The last city I will touch on is Dubrovnik, Croatia. A city unlike any I had ever experienced, it felt like I was in a movie, which would make sense because the famous show Game of Thrones was filmed there. The cities rich history and ancient like buildings made for a great vacation. The best part was the beautiful ocean with the clearest water I had ever seen. It was nice to relax on the beach and get away from the chaos and fun of Milan for the weekend.
These are just some of the highlights from my travel this semester. I learned a lot about the differences of culture for each place I went and also learned the differences and challenges of traveling alone vs traveling with friends or in a group. Grateful for some lifelong memories of traveling this semester.