My study abroad group was the first faculty-led program to go to Slovenia. Before arriving in Slovenia, none of us knew what to expect. We were unsure, as Slovenia is not a popular travel destination for many Americans. Despite our original feeling of indifference, the minute we arrived, I knew that Ljubljana was an uncovered gem just waiting to be explored. It was the cleanest city I had ever been to, and I felt safe, people were friendly, and the atmosphere was lively. Compared to the other countries we visited on this trip, Slovenia was much less touristy, which was a breath of fresh air as it was much less overwhelming. Because we were around more locals, our experience felt authentic. On one of our free days, my friends and I visited a castle that overlooked the entire city. The views were stunning, with the mountains as the backdrop. We spent the day exploring the city and trying new foods. Slovenia is known for cheese dumplings made with filo pastry, cottage cheese (or ricotta), and sour cream. On another day, we utilized the city’s public transportation, taking a bus to Lake Bled. This lake was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Its waters were so blue, almost aqua, and surrounded by mountains. There’s an island in the middle of the lake where a church stands. We took a row boat to this island and grabbed some refreshing gelato. Bled was so perfect like it was from a fairytale. Overall, Slovenia blew me away with its natural beauty and authenticity. I’d highly recommend that other UA students give it a chance and visit it once in their lifetime.

City of Ljubljana
Lake Bled
Row boat at Lake Bled