One last picture of the beautiful Giralda and cathedral

My semester abroad has been nothing short of amazing! I have been able to meet so many friends, see many new places, and have so many once in a lifetime experiences. As my last full day in Sevilla is coming to a close, I have many mixed feelings. I am excited to go home and see my family, friends, and pets! But I am also extremely sad to leave everyone I've met and the small home I have created here. I started the day by going out for lunch and having tapas with my host mom and roommate. I then spent my afternoon/evening walking around the city and taking a bunch of pictures of all of my favorite places. Before heading home, I stopped at my favorite acai place one last time. Overall, it was a wonderful last day in Sevilla and I am sad to see it end.

Studying abroad and all the changes you experience can be very intimidating, but all of it is worth it! If you have the opportunity to study abroad, do it! It will be an experience you will remember for the rest of your life. Once your abroad, experience the city your in and find all your new favorite spots - take lots of pictures! Don't take anything for granted, because your time abroad will be over before you know it.