Upon returning to the United States, I couldn’t believe how much I had seen and done in a short time. I had taken in so much history, immersed myself in different cultures, tried new foods, etc. Coming home was bittersweet. I missed fast food, the comfort of everything being in English, my family, and even simple conveniences like not having to pay for water. On the other hand, I would miss the countries I had grown fond of, the new foods, the architecture, the natural beauty, and the people from all different backgrounds. However, I was not expecting how much I would miss the other students on my trip because of how close we’d become. I didn’t know anyone when I signed up for this program. I merely expected to meet a few people I enjoyed hanging out with abroad. But after experiencing everything together, I can say I walked out of the trip with a few new best friends I didn’t have going in. After making these connections, I realized that going abroad without knowing anyone isn’t as daunting as it seems. I’m glad that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone because it has made me more confident with being independent and taking risks. Because I had such a positive experience, it has inspired me to do a semester abroad. I’m considering studying in Barcelona and traveling around Europe this coming Spring. It would be an amazing opportunity to continue my journey of learning about different cultures and meeting people from all over the world.

Leaving Italy 🙁
New Friends!