Everything I expected of this study abroad trip, which wasn’t much, has been blown completely out of the water. This trip has so far been one the most amazing experiences of my life, and it’s not even done yet.

London was a dream in itself. All of my classmates are amazing people, so it would be difficult to not be their friends. My teachers are such fun people, that it’s intriguing to see teachers outside of normally structured lecture-type classes. The endeavors as a class have been absolutely amazing. I had no idea about what was in store for this study abroad trip but there was no way I could have been close to what was coming. I have taken my time abroad to sightsee as much as a can from castles, to important historical sights including Stonehenge, art museums, and older castles holding crown jewels. The locals have been so kind when talking to our group. Their lifestyle couldn’t be anymore different than what we live in Tuscaloosa. fast food is not common, it is majority public transport, and we dress up everyday – no leggings. It’s been interesting to see the differences but I have enjoyed the experience so much.

We have dug deep into communication studies throughout this whole trip, as being in a new surrounding with brand new people takes tons of communication. We have learned firsthand proximal, relational, effective, nonverbal, verbal, and more types of communication and how to recognize them in real life. Learning through one’s own efforts and bravery has been so gratifying and rewarding as this will be not only an experience but knowledge I will carry with me for life, and its not even over yet! Scotland here I come!