The second half of my study abroad we were in Lisbon, Portugal. We have been traveling non-stop and now are in a new location with a new place to call home until the trip is over. I don’t know how this trip is going by so fast, but we are nearing the end. Lisbon is such a change of pace than London is. London felt very similar to the US with the architecture and the language, however Lisbon is so different than anywhere I have been before. I think the language barrier here is much harder to get used to as well. I think being able to see how regular people go day to day life is very interesting. I have most definitely noticed while being here how much I feel and look like a tourist. Being here for a short time right now has been different that how it was in London. I think the tiredness has caught up, realizing we are so close to being home, and taking our final test in class shows just how soon this will all be over. I have enjoyed every moment of this trip. Being able to make new friends, have day trips to Prague, Paris, and Madrid is something I won’t forget. Being able to see the Eiffel Tower was one thing I dreamed to see in my life and being able to see it and take photos doesn’t feel real. One thing that I think I am ready for the most is to know what I’m ordering as food. It’s very hard to understand at restaurants with the limited english that is available. I have loved being able to see the sights around here and send photos back home to my friends and family. Having once in a life experiences during this time is something I will never forget. There is only 3 days left on this trip and I don’t know if I am more excited to get home or sad because it is ending so fast. I look forward to the future adventures and the friendships that will last a lifetime.