Over the past 3 weeks I had the opportunity to travel to four different countries and seven cities in Europe with UA Study Abroad. I don’t even know where to begin with everything I learned and took away from this amazing experience. I have dreamt of studying abroad since I was a young girl and I took a leap of faith in going on this trip without knowing anyone else going. My biggest piece of advice to all those even a little bit interested in studying abroad is go for it!! It may be intimidating or scary, but I can promise one thing and that is that you will NEVER regret your decision to go abroad. This experience allowed me to learn more about other cultures and explore different places in the world. I made new friends, learned a lot about the climate and water changes and their effects in these countries, and challenged myself in doing something new, adventurous, and even scary to me at the beginning. I am forever grateful for this opportunity and will cherish it for the rest of my life. There are so many places, different cultures, and people in our world and there is truly so much to learn. Studying abroad was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I am so grateful to Professor Tootle for leading such an amazing trip. I had the opportunity to learn bits and pieces of different languages and just observe the differences in behaviors and patterns among the different cultures I was immersed in. Going to these different places is amazing in itself, but being able to study as a student across the globe is an opportunity I may never have again. I am forever thankful to UA, my professor, and my family for enabling me to join this program. It has made a lasting impact on me and I advise all to challenge themselves and do the same!