During the month of May, I took a memorable trip to London, England, and Lisbon, Portugal. The main goal was to learn more about Internal Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), but the trip turned out to be much more than just about studying.

London: Learning and Sightseeing

In London, our days were filled with learning of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and exploring the city. We visited famous landmarks like the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, and Westminster Abbey. We walked through Hyde Park and enjoyed the views from the London Eye. One evening, we went to see the “Back to the Future” musical, which was both nostalgic and modern, and left us feeling entertained and excited.

Lisbon: Food and Fun by the Coast

After London, we went to Lisbon, Portugal, where we balanced learning IFRS with fun activities. Lisbon is known for its history, beautiful buildings, and amazing food. We started with a cooking class to make traditional Portuguese dishes and enjoyed the fresh, rich flavors. A highlight of Lisbon was a boat tour on the Tagus River, offering stunning views of the city. We also went wine tasting, trying some of Portugal’s best wines, and spent a relaxing day on a catamaran in the sun. The food in Portugal was fantastic, from fresh seafood to delicious pastries. Every meal was a delight, thanks to the tasty dishes and friendly locals.

Overall, our trip to London and Lisbon was a wonderful mix of learning, exploring, and enjoying good food. The IFRS knowledge we gained, along with the cultural and culinary experiences, made this journey unforgettable.