Traveling to a new country can be scary. Especially when it is in a new continent halfway across the world, and especially when it is your first time outside of America. The thought of flying around the world by yourself and being in a new, unfamiliar place by yourself can be incredibly daunting. However, there are things you can do to help make the beginning of your trip less scary. When preparing to go to a new country, one of the best things you can to to prepare and make yourself feel more comfortable is research. Research is one of the best ways to ensure that your trip will go smoothly. When preparing to travel to Morocco I made sure to research the travel process when traveling to another country, as well as to research the country itself. Studying abroad has so many different benefits. One of my main goals while in Morocco is to strengthen my Arabic, as that will be what I am studying while I am here. Surrounding yourself with the culture and language that you are studying is the best way to learn it, which is what motivated me to want to study Arabic abroad while I am at The University of Alabama. Studying abroad in Morocco is a once in a lifetime experience which I would not have had, had it not been for The University of Alabama. I am very excited to see what the next four weeks have in store as I continue to explore Morocco and immerse myself in the culture.