I have always dreamed about exploring the rest of the world, to visiting every country possible during my life time – that finding out UA offered study abroad felt like an unreal dream. Picking my study abroad trip seemed like a ways endeavor to me. The minute I met Dr. Griffin and Mr. Gray and heard about their trip I instantly knew it was where I wanted to be. I have always wanted to England so that was an absolute plus, but it was the connections with the teachers that truly persuaded me – which I believe to be the most important part. They communicated how the emphasis of this trip was to experience and learn out in the world rather than classroom which clicked with me instantly. The decision was simple, but I truly think there is no bad option.

I have been overcome with the excitement from the possibility of traveling abroad but also faced with a whirlwind of other emotions including anxiety, anticipation, curiosity, and confidence. I look forward to seeing all that I can and making new friends, but I’m still nervous towards being in a completely new surrounding, the fear of sticking out, being unprepared, nerves towards knowing no one. But those feelings are overshadowing by my exciement to explore and my eagerness to learn. I wonder what all I will see, what foods there are to eat, what history there is the learn and what people I am to meet. I cannot wait to step off my plane knowing I have a world full of opportunities at my fingertips. I will go forward with confidence and wonder freely in expanded my education in London!