I chose to study abroad in Austria this Summer as I feel it would be a great experience moving towards my future career and would be a great opportunity to explore another culture. Prior to committing I was nervous about the cost and the expenses of the trip but was very grateful to receive multiple grants and scholarships to aid int covering the costs. I was also somewhat scared of being so far from home and not knowing anyone going but gradually my nerves calmed. There were definitely many feelings involved when considering and preparing to study abroad. A lot of nerves and excitement. Luckily, I had a considerable amount of time between acceptance for the program and departure so the nerves mellowed out with time and now I am mainly just excited for the experience. I was somewhat sad when I realized I would be studying abroad on my birthday as I am used to being with family but I think it will be an awesome experience.

As far as preparation for the trip, it was difficult figuring out what to pack as we were told we have to wear business casual but the European business casual standard is more formal than what Americans consider it to be. I ended up deciding to play on the safe side and packed dress slacks with dressier shirts or button up tops along with comfortable shoes as there is a lot of walking involved and I read that a lot of the roads are cobblestone. I also read up on the weather trends for the time I will be there so determine casual and weekend outfit ideas to be able to compile my 3 week travel wardrobe. My goals for this program primarily consist of making sure I get the most out of the classes as it will greatly benefit my area of study. Additionally I hope to see as much as possible and really get a feel for the European culture and the different lifestyle within another country. I am also hoping to be able to visit some historical landmarks, major museums, and see some of the European cathedrals. I am very excited for this trip and experience and cannot wait to update during my abroad journey!