As my study abroad in London and Lisbon is nearing its end, I wanted to write others about the ease of traveling to other countries while in Europe. Once across the Atlantic, wherever your home base may be, it is very easy and cost-effective to hop from country to country whether through an airplane or a train. I have been able to go to both Paris, France and Madrid, Spain while I have been abroad. There are others in my study abroad group who have gone even more places.

I think my favorite use of transportation was the Eurostar train to Paris. This is a high-speed train whose sole purpose is to travel back and forth from Paris and London. This was such a cool experience, and the train even goes under the English channel in a tunnel. It reaches speeds of around 200 miles per hour and gets you to your destination in about 2 hours and 15 minutes. If you have the opportunity to do it, I highly recommend!

A group of students from my study abroad also decided to go to Madrid for a day. We found a very affordable flight, and it turned out that it was only an hour trip. We woke up very early and booked a late flight back in order to maximize our time in Spain. This was such a cool experience as we were able to see so much history and culture in the city of Madrid.

If you were wanting to go more places while you were already in Europe, take this as your sign to book that train or that flight to your dream destination. You certainly will not regret it!